Monday, February 2, 2015



Scientists at the Florida campus of The Scripps Research Institute have recently found something which brings us back to our spiritual roots and connection to everything. The answer and resolution to the problem lies within the problem itself. An old proverb which has had many iterations and versions throughout history.
It’s meaning is that if you want to solve a problem, don’t go looking somewhere else for the answer. Look at the problem, the makeup of the problem, and find the solution based on that data. 
As I always like to say, usually a problem is a result of one of two things.
Too much yin, not enough Yang.
Too much yang, not enough yin.
Researchers have found that by looking at diseased cells, they can uncover the missing element that is causing it to be diseased, and uncover its opposite and generate a cure to the problem in the process.
“We’re using a cell as a reaction vessel and a disease-causing defect as a catalyst to synthesize a treatment in a diseased cell,” said TSRI Professor Matthew Disney. “Because the treatment is synthesized only in diseased cells, the compounds could provide highly specific therapeutics that only act when a disease is present. This means we can potentially treat a host of conditions in a very selective and precise manner in totally unprecedented ways.”
solutionsWhile i’m not a fan that their whole goal out of this is most likely to create drugs for symptom management, the fact that they are able to do this is remarkably interesting, which relates strongly to many ancient sciences.
In short and just to reiterate again: The solution to the problem lies within the problem itself, and all you need to do is look at the problem and understand it to know what the appropriate solution is.
A German Doctor and Scientist Frank Hamer was a very renowned Doctor who recently began speaking about this phenomenon in medicine practice. He has had tremendous success with this idea, which is remarkably close to what we’re talking about here. He posed that all suffering and disease is a physical manifestation and representation of an emotional trauma of some kind, and that resolving that trauma would also cause the physical problem to disappear.
Upon making such claims, a large part of the medical community turned away from him. A common thing to do for humans when new information is presented that would completely flip everything we think we know on its head.
This actually reminds me of a wonderful woman I met several years ago named Dory Brown. She lived in Asheville and shared some remarkable wisdom with us at the Spirit Science gathering that we put on at her place.
What she shared was that the thing that harms you is always located right next to the thing that cures you. She demonstrated this by picking up some poison ivy and rubbing it in her hands. Then, she bent over and picked up a plant that is often found growing right next to poison ivy, and rubbed that on her hands.
Jewelweed - grown next to poison ivy, nulls the effects and itching of poison ivy.
Jewelweed – grown next to poison ivy, nulls the effects and itching of poison ivy.
She never experienced any trauma or irritations in her skin from this, and she explained that the 2nd plant nullified the harmful effects of the first. If you know what you’re looking for, you can find it every time. The plants name is called jewelweed.
This “problem/remedy” vibration is a natural part of the world, regardless of if its emotional, mental, physically nature in the myriad of ways that problems can come about.
You just have to be willing to do a little bit of exploration :)
With love,
Jordan Pearce